Star Wars: Battlefront Coming on November 20th
Heralded by great fanfare and audience expectation, Star Wars: Battlefront is launching in the UK on the 20th of November for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, with it releasing on the 17th in the USA. This...
View ArticleBattlefield 4 Update Adds “Gun Master” Game Mode
The latest update to DICE’s Battlefield 4 received an update yesterday that added a new game mode, (or old game mode if you are a fan of BF3) in which you must progress through the list of guns by...
View ArticleE3 2015: EA Announces Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
During their conference and hopping on the CCG bandwagon, EA have announced Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for mobile devices. It seems to include characters from all over the Star Wars canon, so expect...
View ArticleStar Wars Battlefront Unveils Fighter Squadron Mode
It’s pretty obvious how excited everyone is for DICE’s new Star Wars Battlefront, it looks amazing and it’s more Battlefront. Something we have not had for more than 10 years. The ground battles look...
View ArticleThe Star Wars Battlefront Beta Will Be With You, Always… Well Not Always But...
Me: You rebel scum! Yes you, good news. The Star Wars Battlefront beta is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on October 8th.You: Never tell me the odds….of getting into the beta.Me: It’s an open beta, no...
View ArticleThe Planets of Star Wars Battlefront Trailer shows off Hoth, Tatooine, Endor...
Many Bothans died to bring us this trailer. What’s that? Every hack ‘games journalist’ under the sun has made the Bothans reference in their Star Wars articles? Ah stop you’re moaning and get on board...
View ArticleEA Leaving E3 Showfloor for new EA Play
EA have claimed that they will not have a large conference this year in favour of a new event that puts the players first. The event is called EA play and will occur in London and Los Angeles from June...
View ArticleMirror’s Edge Catalyst Story Trailer Reintroduces Faith
EA and DICE have been teasing something Mirror’s Edge related for the last week or so and they’ve finally popped the lid on the latest trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.Catalyst seems to have a much...
View ArticleNeed for Speed’s Ridiculously High PC Requirements Revealed
PC gamers will soon be able to play the supposed ‘Ultimate edition’ of last year’s Need for Speed title. The PC version flaunts PC exclusive features such as an unlocked frame-rate and the ability to...
View ArticleStar Wars Battlefront Gets Another Huge Patch
For all 70,000 who are still playing EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront, I’ve got some good news for you. The game is getting a huge new update adding more content and more features to the title.Firstly the...
View ArticleMarch Updates for Star Wars Battlefront Available Now
To those of you who are still playing Battlefront, you’ll be happy to know that EA have just released the latest updates for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC iterations. Adding in the Rebel Depot on...
View ArticleConvicted Sex Offender Adam Johnson Removed from FIFA 16
Adam Johnson has been removed from the active rosters of both Sunderland and England in FIFA 16, however Electronic Arts has said more time will be needed to remove his name and data from all...
View ArticleTitanfall 2 Officially Revealed in Teaser Trailer
We all knew it was coming but now have an official confirmation that Titanfall 2 is on its way. The EA YouTube channel just uploaded this teaser trailer which also confirms that the sequel to the Xbox...
View ArticleStar Wars Battlefront Beta Impressions
The Star Wars: Battlefront beta just ended and we’ve been hammering away at it to see what DICE’s rendition of this classic series has to offer. Rather than just hearing the thoughts of one of our...
View ArticleStar Wars Battlefront Review
Star Wars Battlefront is back. After a long hiatus, EA and DICE have rebooted the series with this latest entry, which is obviously too cool to have a number at the end of its name and therefore will...
View ArticleNew Battlefield To Be Revealed Next Friday
After a leaked email invitation for a ‘Battlefield world premiere‘ appeared online earlier today, it has been confirmed by IGN that the new Battlefield will be revealed during a special livestream...
View ArticleRespawn Working on New Star Wars Game
With it being Star Wars Day and all, EA have decided today is the perfect opportunity to announce that they are working with Titanfall developers Respawn Entertainment on a brand new third person...
View ArticleBattlefield 1 Confirmed with Official Reveal Trailer
In a somewhat odd naming choice, Electronic Arts have confirmed Battlefield 1 is the next game to enter the prestigious Battlefield franchise. Set in World War 1, there won’t be a big change from the...
View ArticleTitanfall 2 Open Technical Test Dates Announced
Good news Titanfall fans! Since the reveal Respawn and EA have announced the dates of the Titanfall 2 open multiplayer technical test which will be across two weekends in August for Xbox One and...
View ArticleGamescom 2016: Battlefield 1 Trailer
One of the first huge trailers to arrive at Gamescome 2016 was Battlefield 1, DICE’s new titles in the ever so popular Battlefield series. This time, taking place in the war zones of the first world...
View ArticleBattlefield 1 Open Beta Suffers Server Outages
Battlefield 1’s open beta launched yesterday, greeting us all to the gritty world of World War One… well some of us, many players have sadly been left out of the action. EA’s Origin online service fell...
View ArticleTitanfall 2 Review
In Titanfall 2, you play as a pilot. Not the type of pilot that flies a plane through the air, but a pilot in charge of an enormous, imposing, intimidating mech with an array of weapons and tools at...
View Article5 Video Game Movies That Are Actually Quite Good
Ah, the video game movie. Often a doomed venture from it’s conception and the source of endless rants of hardened fans. Too long have they been stigmatised by a slew of poorly thought out and terribly...
View ArticleEA Reveal Need for Speed Payback Coming This Year
EA have revealed the new line for their racing title Need for Speed with Payback coming this year on November 10th 2017. The game will take place in the underworld of Fortune Valley which is said to be...
View ArticleAll The E3 2017 Conference Date and Times So Far
E3 is right around the corner with the annual event happening from June 13th to June 15th in Los Angeles but things always start a little bit earlier with press conferences from the biggest publishers...
View ArticleSims 4 Announces Pets Expansion Coming November
If you’re like me then you’ve been waiting anxiously for the day that EA would finally grant your wish and allow pets in Sims 4. This Gamescom, our wishes have come true. Coming later this fall on...
View ArticleStar Wars: Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Beta Is Live
After being open to pre-order players for the last few days, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Beta is finally open to the public. The multiplayer beta features three different online multiplayer...
View ArticleEA Announces Star Wars: Battlefront 2’s Crates and Progression Changes
Players were concerned when the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Beta launched and seemed to have a heavy tie between micro-transactions and the progression in the game. Players seemed to be able to spend a...
View ArticleDICE Teams up with Nvidia for Battlefield V
DICE have finally unveiled the first gameplay for Battlefield V (5) with more and more detail coming in the coming days. Some of the additional news is the partnership between Nvidia and DICE after...
View ArticleAnthem VIP Beta Demo is Available to Play This Weekend
Players who have pre-ordered their copy of EA’s upcoming game Anthem can try out the game ahead of open launch on February 1st. The VIP closed beta is open to those who preordered the game along with...
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